#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Program for solving Poisson equation (Laplace(x) = b) on a rectangular grid (Nx x Ny). ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def getLinearizedIdx(x,y): ''' Returns index in vector x, which corresponds with point (x,y) on grid. ''' return x+y*Nx def initMatrix(): ''' Creates matrix A and vector b for eqn Ax=b. Three possibilities are involved: 1) Approximation of Laplace operator by finite differences x[(i+1,j)]+x[(i-1),j]+x[(i,j+1)]+x[(i,j-1)]-4*x[(i,j)]=h*h*Laplace(x), where (i,j) denotes point in grid (=getLinearizedIdx(i,j)). 2) Dirichlet boundary condition: x[(i,j)] = 0 (more generally x[k]=C, where C is constant). 3) von Neumann boundary condition: d/dx(x[(i,j)]) = 0 or d/dy(x[(i,j)])=0 approximated by (d/dy(x[(i,j)]) = 0) <=> (x[(i,j)]=x[(i,j+1)]). ''' tmp = 1./(h*h) N = Nx*Ny A = np.zeros((N,N)) b = np.zeros(N) for i in range(Nx): for j in range(Ny): k = getLinearizedIdx(i,j) # upper plate if j==0: #Dirichlet A[k,k] = 1.0 b[k] = 1.0 # nonzero potential # lower plate elif j==Ny-1: #Dirichlet A[k,k] = 1.0 # circle elif (j-Ny/4)**2+(i-Nx/2)**2<=Ny/5: #Dirichlet A[k,k] = 1.0 # sides elif i==0: #von Neumann A[k,k] = 1.0 A[k,getLinearizedIdx(i+1,j)] = -1.0 elif i==Nx-1: #von Neumann A[k,k] = 1.0 A[k,getLinearizedIdx(i-1,j)] = -1.0 # Laplace operator approximation else: A[k,k] = -4.0*tmp A[k,getLinearizedIdx(i-1,j)] = 1.0*tmp A[k,getLinearizedIdx(i+1,j)] = 1.0*tmp A[k,getLinearizedIdx(i,j-1)] = 1.0*tmp A[k,getLinearizedIdx(i,j+1)] = 1.0*tmp return A,b # parameters Nx,Ny = 100,100 #grid size h = 0.1 #size of grid cell in meters (in both dimensions) # boundaries of area (used only for graph legend) X0,Y0 = -5.0, 0.0 X1,Y1 = X0+h*Nx, Y0+h*Ny # actual solving A,b = initMatrix() x = np.linalg.solve(A,b) # displaying of results plt.imshow(x.reshape((Nx,Ny)), extent=(X0,X1,Y0,Y1)) plt.colorbar().set_label("$\Phi$ [V]") plt.xlabel("$x$ [m]") plt.ylabel("$y$ [m]") plt.show()